Kerry’s and Pat’s anniversary shoot at Lighthouse Point Park in New Haven was a little different than most of my couple’s sessions. Instead of looking ahead to their wedding, this couple has been married for ten years!
Kerry and Pat were some of the first people we met in New Haven and have been involved in similar activism/education groups over the past few years, but this was the first time I got to spend solo time with the two of them. They are busy, involved, deeply caring people with serious roots in New Haven; they have full careers and three kids and a house and all the things associated with having so many responsibilities. And they were celebrating their ten-year wedding anniversary. Uncharacteristically, they wanted to do something totally FOR THEM. So, they dressed up in their wedding clothes and took me to one of their favorite places, Lighthouse Point Park in New Haven.
We had a BLAST celebrating the relationship that forms the foundation of so many things they’ve built together. It was romantic, fun, and deeply valuable. So many times, parents lose this part of their identity–the thing that drew them together in the first place. The origin story. Ultimately, their profound love for each other and their shared values are what come through these photos. I’m so grateful to Kerry and Pat for having the creativity, the drive, and the sense of whimsy needed to take a few hours just for them and create such magical art.
If you’re thinking about a portrait session on a beach, you can find another romantic example here.